Friday, July 9, 2010

Counter Strike: Tactics Iceworld

Counter Strike is a controversial Iceworld card indeed. People see it as necessary or no skill just as much talent as any other card. This article will try to give you a number of strategies and tactics to Iceworld, a map that inspires love and hate from all facets of the CS community.

I've learned Counterstrike on cards like the classic mansion, damage, dust and Italy. Each is a different animal. The individual have a remarkable difference with Iceworld, especiallyTactics look. They each have a objecive. Plant the bomb to save the hostages, and a remarkable goal, given the VIP, where to go. Iceworld has no ambitions. It is a small map and looks very much like a hash (#) sign from above. A buy zone is in him is the heart and the T's and CT's spawn on the map from each other. Without goals, the purpose of total destruction. Kill all the attacking force before they murder you.

Environmentally friendly, each fire wallthrough when you have the right weapon. If you are in the map to your steps, or listen to someone else, in the snow. The sound of heavy fire from all sides to everything around you from the start, and often to the finish. Small walls of the sides of the map peak, the left and right channels and a wide wall of ice in the middle of each spawn point. Guns had to be picked up on each side on the floor. The card is very simple. There is no complication calls the wrath of manyPlayers a bit more "complicated" to use the card such as the above objectives would.

I think this card intoxicating. It is small and simple is often total chaos. You've really nowhere to run and hide anywhere. Iceworld rare at any moment for a player to catch his breath and load a large number of players has ever once before the round ends or someone gets it. You find yourself going against 5 CT's by yourself or a corner to put in a firing squad. ASplit-second decision to reload or pick a different weapon from the soil, when it is most important in the group alive. You think on your feet as you always overwhelmed by the opposing forces from all directions. It is a sort of deathmatch map where specific "Deathmatch" is Iceworld cards for those who do not like the short wait between rounds.

After this card is played for a long time, it is a strategy to. The elegance of the IceworldSimplicity, and a few small details, lots of tactics and strategy on this map, feel and look at the missed Deathmatch. Iceworld large map to human behavior and learn how people with an intense shoot outs and large players are commonplace.

The AWP and saw two of the three roads on the hand. The center should be monitored initially trying to remember someone is crossing. Opposing AWPers will often be treated, because the controller is the centerstrong team for all on this card. A second AWPer will usually cover you're not, but if there are any areas they are missing. Slowly make your way through the level. The AWP is not a quiet gun and sound alone will see an enemy where the ball came. Use the left and right walls to cover shoot through your spawn point and theirs. Drop it if necessary.

For the players rushing the SMG, TMP, Mac10, and P90 are taken to another so they can be thePage as soon as possible with a spray gun. This usually means not the end rusher as a AWPer is just one of the sites fell on her. Going up the middle often the safe fate because of the guns, and the AWP is well positioned to take these areas from the start of the hand guard. A rush to find players better off in the middle of the plane and leave all other teams to check their points sniper before rushing in. Time is short,Card, it remains one second too early or one second too long, at any place you can always surrounded, but the break is important to use the opponent to control natural rhythm of the paths for the enemies.

Assault rifles like the Steyr AUG Commando and really shine on this map. In the beginning they are as good as annual work plans, monitoring any significant way. If the card is wound after they make an accurate shot from a distance, without the melee. Iceworld'slongest distances are often forgotten and these weapons have the ability to go faster than if you are still an AWP and a slap in your power. It means power, it will be easier than for other weapons to take multiple enemies at once, without the need to load. Reloading is a science Iceworld and your need to load less you will live much longer than most.

Shotguns your game for one person. Non-automatic shotgun, or"Noob Tube", as he is immortal, but the pump m3 single shot shotgun. After a wave of shootings, you probably have one or two shots to get their fifteen or more. In a map as chaotic as the pump gun Iceworld learn the best use of the environment as much or little you have of it. Skills to some players will assume that they now have to learn, but before it can be learned with this weapon on the map. Bombardment, shooting while driving, with walls in the cover. The largest of theseThe pump works beautifully in the chaos of Iceworld rotates during the movement. While on the one hand, you rush to the enemy fire while mixing position somewhere else, and stop moving to fire your enemy without a mess on your own to be confused. Make sure you get a shot right and the enemy either killed or seriously injured her, so if you're half shot, finish them off. The pump should you find yourself hiding, ambushes, and attempt shots not normally try ifShe had another weapon in the same amount of fire from all directions.

Not all servers HE grenades were used. I think it is much easier for them to dominate, but not necessarily on the map. Grenade spamming is easily enough done, and throws one at the beginning of the map is almost always someone made. There are times when you do not throw at your enemy will spawn, but that's usually when you get a rush like that and throw for them to see.

OnIceworld tried the other team, at your spawn point and you try to get her. This is very important to remember. You know the same to try is a long way to go when purchasing your Kill to Death ratio. Once they spawn, they have your back to get at their expense. As Iceworld is a very connected with all the card in less than a minute to two minutes tops happens, over time is important to know where the enemy is at any given time. It does notuntil the card without enemy bullets come your way, so you should be able to indulge themselves in place, how the break-cross card. Keep an eye on your teammates. Use the eyes to see around corners and find out what is an enemy with guns on their end. AWPers placement is simple, if a member of your team. Your teammates, the eyes, if you're not around. One can clearly see if your team wins or loses the shootout when you right when shewent to the left. Note You have the guns and all the players as there may be a problem for you. Especially useful at the beginning of the round at the end of his fire wall, or on the right side of the left. Many players just duck behind a wall to shoot down the enemy and more often than not hurt to avoid bad, or even hurt. Burning at the bottom of the wall often leads them around the corner.

A great training and instructions for obtaining a better and much IceworldOther maps, the Counter-Strike Pwnage Guide []. If you're rusty on something I have said, or are they perfect, it's a big investment and your counter strike capabilities to increase on each card. Iceworld may not have the most respected and most popular card game ever, but this guide and regular play will improve considerably if your skills are used. I hope to see some servers Iceworld.

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