Sunday, January 31, 2010

My ex is not me

"I feel absolutely terrible, because my ex completely ignores me, and I have no one to blame himself. I'm sure if I was in the same position as him I would do the same."

This is one of the letters I received over the years. It can happen to anyone, and I will tell you exactly how it was told.

"We had a stupid fight. I feel so bad that something so small made me react in such immature and irrational way. What would I have thought themselvessomething stupid like this?

It began on Saturday afternoon. He watched football and I wanted to see a movie. Is it wrong of me? I do so every weekend, watch some stupid football game bored.

While he was busy, I tinker around the house, cleaning and doing things that I hate, but not for me to mention they never do. I have deliberately and selfishly on the vacuum because it even harder for him to listen to the TV. NoProblem for him, he just volume. What irritated me that I will never know. What should he do? What would I have done my favorite show, he suddenly found himself and turned on his Playstation, so I hardly hear the TV? The truth is, if his reaction annoys me.

I decided enough was enough, and I put the vacuum. Stopped cleaning the house, jumped in the shower and was changed into a pair of tight jeans, tight T-shirt (nobra) and his favorite little waist coat. I knew that this particular outfit made him want to rip me, and I had hoped that this would be the case. I accidentally walked out of the bedroom to the kitchen and got myself a Coke Zero and went into the fullback chair, knowing that my presence would distract him and outfit.

"Where you going?" He says. Now, internally, I lost. I saw him in half, and found that the footy is more important than me in thisMoment.

"Out", I said and stood up, gathering my bag when I went to the door.

He did not even try and call me back. Well, what can I do, where should I go?

I drove a few minutes and then called my friend and casually asked what she did. She said she went to a barbecue at the center a few friends and I was welcome to one days.

Very much I would show him that I did not sit every Saturday to wait some time to finish before my boring footballThe weekend began.

My girlfriend and I go to the barbecue and it was very festive. At least 30 people and were more satisfied all the time. I was there, the hostess was very friendly and said simply: "Enjoy a piece is introduced to everyone."

"Why not?" I've always thought of pain.

Two young girls walk into a party, a very sexy one (my friend is really nice) and the other sends me, "for me, now or never hit" signals, it was not longbefore we were surrounded by a group of boys all like to find us a drink and brought some "two beautiful girls as we go to a party like this?" The old pick-up lines I had heard a thousand times, same old lines I think to say absolutely hated - Guys really nothing rational about? But I must confess that I was willing to work on these lines myself, to a point-to-night. , I just had to know I had in me.

Eventually there my phone rang and it was so I let hima message and then it turned out - maybe he could find and see another game!

In the afternoon walked into the night and the schnapps began address - not for me as I am not a big drinker, and always watch my consumption, but for all boys and many of the other girls.

Soon I lost interest in their drunken breath and stupid comments.

When one man approached me. He did not drink much, was well dressed and very sexy in a fun way. And he had noLow-cost airlines. He asked if I had just eaten, I do not respond, because I was not a big meat eater. The conversation was easy and he was thoughtful. That was refreshing! I was in his company felt comfortable and safe.

Before I knew that we had talked at least one hours. It was just five minutes to feel.

My friend had to leave at the moment, but I was not too worried if I had my own car.

Then he says: "Hungry yet?" and before I know, I went to a dinner withhim.

We hop into his car and he proves that he has listened and introduced me to my favorite restaurant. La Bocca Italian one outlet where I am well known.

Big Mistake - after all goes back to my friend - or my ex soon!

Unlike a very pleasant evening, nothing happens to this guy. He has never even tried to kiss me. He asked if he could see me, and I said probably not a good idea, but he gave me his number anyway.

HeDrop me back to my car around nine or nine thirty and I found the clock home, where I am very angry boyfriend head. He is approximately correct, care about me, why I have returned my calls, where I was and so on and so on.

Most of what I said to him, the truth was - I had a barbecue with a friend. I did not tell him about the man, and of course eating.

He would not let go and of course I turned to him to defend myself and grabbed his preferencefor football, men's selfish attitude, the fact that nothing around the house and a few other things I might not say.

, I was just a very pleasant evening with a very nice guy who is an absolute gentleman and that was how my night ended.

I said I was not in the mood for argument for a pleasant evening and went to bed, he could do what he wanted.

I do not know where he is, but he went back very late in about threein the morning and smelled of alcohol. His snoring kept me awake and I ended up in the room.

The next morning I got up and as much noise as possible, because I was still in pain and knew that his suffering made of a hangover.

I sent him a note and went to my mother for lunch.

No calls, no messages - nothing all day.

When I came home, he was gone! He has not come back, and it was one weeks ago.

I called and left messages, e-mail toWork and asked his best friend to call him. Nothing that he ignores me easily.

I know he has returned to the apartment, because his personal belongings packed and moved.

What can I do? My ex is completely ignoring me? "

After reading this story, you're probably wondering what happened.

That was an extreme case, that cost a lot of work before they had a happy and mutually beneficial end. Both learned from their experiences and their relationship is much stronger andbetter.

No matter what your situation is desperate, there is a solution - even if you only try one and your ex will be ignored.

Related : Wonderkids Football Database Football Tactics Soccer Strategies

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Why do not men commit

Oh, I think you men do not commit?

I know for a fact that millions of people waiting for the "special day" too. She would think about it constantly. Talk about it with their friends. Do you dream at work. And the week prior to this special day - she can not wait to happen.

Finally comes! And win or lose, they are just as committed to their favorite football team. And not even start me on the fly. Or car racing.Or ...

And what about her career? How many people have their jobs to marry? They think that this is not a commitment?

If you think about it, people have no problem commitments. The problem is - if you're a woman - how is the man is not a requirement for you?

It is simple. If a man thinks of a subject to the requirement for a woman, she thinks, take pictures and feelings of loss of freedom. And nobody wants to lose their freedom.

Rightly or wrongly - rightly ormisunderstood - Thoughts commitment to a woman he will suffer some sort of pain. And it is often an assessment between the observed pleasure from the experienced pain. Is the reward of sex, companionship, sharing, and oh yes, love ... Value is captured and endured the pain of the inevitable whining and complaining about?

Generally, that is, as a man thinks. Maybe not in exact terms, but I can assure you it is a kind of evaluationlos, weigh the pros and cons of a commitment.

So, what is the solution for you - as a woman looking for a man to commit? Because you certainly would not try to curtail the freedom of the people in your life. They would not complain or whine.

Well, you can just sit and talk to the people concerned. Bring reasons. Use logic - cold, hard logic - the presentation of your case. Exactly how he would try to use logic with you. Convince him that his own interest to makeCommitment.

Use logic, it seems the lipstick does not work ...

It is not expected to work. But you could try. Actually I can only guarantee you it will not work.

No, you would be much better served by your own beliefs and attitudes and feelings and thoughts. Why do you want a commitment of one man?

I know. It is clear. But they do not. Start with your assumptions. What make a commitment of one man, who will? Love?Security? Intimacy? And what does it mean for you to secure a commitment?

"I saw him!"?

Or do you really think trying to better the human species?

If you want to help develop the love itself?

In other words, what agenda you bring to the table? Their way of thinking - your beliefs - the agenda - your feelings - they all come together to form a resonance.

A resonance that others can add to one degree or another.

If you cool and calm and sweet on the outside - but aPot of despair and fear and fear and anger on the inside ... If you are 10% and 90% Frantic calm - you're a resonance, which usually form tantrum.

You can try to hide your true feelings, even of himself. Everybody does. But it still appears in your reply. And resonance determines what happens. Your response determines what happens to you. That is why it is important to check your assumptions. Because it is an important part of yourResonance.

Ideally, you write your true feelings. Get a pen and paper and write at the top of the paper something like: Why I want a commitment. Then just start writing and see what happens.

In order to develop the repressed voice. Denied the emotions - the thoughts and feelings that are not socially acceptable, but are still available. Because if you are looking for a commitment of one man - and it is not the case - there is a very exact reason why nothappens.

And if you think the reason is because the man is a coward or the man or the man is - you just have given away your power. So nothing will change.

Probably the reason why you're frustrated because the oppressed in your voice ... make that much of your reply.

The key is to make contact with the denial of the thoughts and feelings and beliefs and your attitudes. Leave them on the table. Let them speak. (Private - for you!)Sprinkle your energy, so they stop managing your life and you, what you say you do not want.

Moreover, real with yourself. Loving you enough to honor and comply with the unpleasant feelings. Let them come, and let them express and release leave. Nobody else has to know.

Then you are really the person who would commit a great man.

As the saying goes: A man wants to be a woman because she makes him feel good. OfTheir healing repressed emotions and so dim that you tortured voice to - you're the wife, of course, brings a commitment of one man.

As a requirement you must first be achieved. And you proved that by the time to understand themselves better.

See Also : Soccer Strategies Football Tactics

Friday, January 29, 2010

NFL Football and safety drills - Do whatever it takes to Win

Dehydration is an enemy of football success

Dehydration should never appear on the soccer field when both the players and coaches have good habits. Each athlete must bring a bottle of water available and they must often be used. Times have changed and coaches these days should be aware of hydration, and not refuse to water as a reward or a punishment. These practices will help players healthy and energetic.

Line of scrimmage> Tactics

Find a soft spot and push hard, what are online strategies. A great technique that gives you a head start on the track is double team blocks. This game is simple, double and enforce. The strategy works for the implementation of a hole in the line of scrimmage as two easily overpowered. Here are some tips for this strategy are: First, the players move together, and the second lock hips. They form a wall, do not break the opponent. Press hard shouldersand pin the opponent down, if you drive back. In addition,, this maneuver is done quickly and efficiently.

Production and effective angle Tackle

The reason for the angle is simple, they cover the shortest area to the deal, but it's still a great need for this technology practice. Listen to this exercise in pairs, after one player serves as an insult or a ball carrier, running in a straight line, the other as a defender on every corner. As the defender he willNeed your body to adapt to the shortest distance to cover the ball carrier and the station on foot wide front, and remember to be safe on his head in the ball carrier. A good control is implemented as a defender throws himself on the enemy pack his arms around his opponent and grab the completion of the cloth by pulling or pushing him on the pages to address.

Preparation: Jump Cross

Air conditioning in football helpsrespond quickly to the field to move in different directions. This practice drill is to increase the awareness and the ability to quickly change direction. The exercise takes place in small four corner area that you move or the lines of the field. The drill will begin with a player stands in a field, and it has jump diagonally, laterally, and backwards Frontwards from one area to another. Trainers must be consolidated by a jump to foot and increaseComments on the field.

Friends Link : Soccer Strategies Wonderkids Football Database

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Skills: as the ball

Present All sports videos of all sports (football, basketball, handball, volleyball, sports videos, coaching, fitness, training, coaching, videos, online videos, sports books, massage, sports music, tips , tactics, techniques, learning, education, drills, skills, DVD player, individually, in teams) ... Football Basketball Volleyball Handball Sport fitness coach coaching videos music videos online pounds Massage Tips Tactics Techniques learn skills drills dvd ...

See Also : Football Tactics

Tuesday, January 26, 2010


frighten any boy on the way home from a road football

See Also : Wonderkids Football Database Soccer Strategies Football Tactics

Monday, January 25, 2010

4-5-1 Low Pressure Force Pool

For detailed instructions, see my blog on ... Soccer Coaching Training Drills tactics, forcing low footballer21 defensive team outside

Visit : Football Tactics Soccer Strategies Wonderkids Football Database

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Mini Construct days - EtrUzioN

The game I played Halo for the construction of 3 days: Halo Halo2 Halo3 Master Chief grunt elite football Michael Vick football Ronaldinho fighting awsome good xiao XiaoXiao Family Guy furturama Dog Fight pitbull pittbull pitt bull pit michael mick me ACCC illegal fighting dogs ashamed of pivot vik Vick football muffins Halo Halo2 Halo3 Grand Theft Auto soccer pele machinima Ronaldhino pivot stick killing frenzy masscre death TriStep tri step xiao xiaoxiao3 XiaoXiao 3 naruto ...

Tags : Football Tactics Wonderkids Football Database

Friday, January 22, 2010

Betting Football (Soccer) Tip - Discover the 7 golden rules Winning at Live betting

The Internet and live television broadcast have matches Live betting is very popular.

Betting The main difference between live-betting and the normal punters to the motivation factor, as the player completes the game gauging strategy - whether it parked with three strikers or a bus to the defensive player of the goal area.

The main advantage of the live-betting punters will have exactly the same information as the bookmakers matchesplayed. There is also an opportunity for the punters a better chance if the "opening rates are too low. Bettors can watch the development of the game and decisions about how the game unfolded. It gives punters the possibility of a" U-turn and a reverse bet if the situation requires.

Live betting requires much discipline and patience. Emotions can run high during a game and your decision is just a click of the optical mouse. To win the next 7 golden rulesshould not be forgotten:

1. 100% concentration

Live betting requires a cool and sober sense. You must be focused and in the crucial game is in progress. A joke among the bettors is that it is not easy to do this regularly, if you are not alone.

2. Keep it cool

Watching a game is an emotional rollercoaster. How often, if:

* We win - we hope that the referee blow the final whistle soon

* We lose - we hope that theClock will tick slower

When it comes to the flock, ranging from emotions. Stay calm and objective assessment of the situation.


You have full confidence about your decision. Bet not only "the importance of interest or boredom.


Make sure you have everything to put on the market, in particular special bets, such as the number of gates, the number of vertices, the numberof bookings. etc.


It is easier to determine whether the value in each stage of the game if you are familiar with the teams, such as whether the team tactics of the defense deep, and has won many corners statistically by his style of play, etc.

6. Remember the time your bet

In the live-betting, the bet from the time of deployment, for example in the game between Arsenal and Birmingham. On 20 minutes, ArsenalPas 1-0. You bet on Arsenal to win Asian Handicap -1 / 2 (gives Arsenal 1 / 2 goal, Birmingham). No further goal was reached and the match ended 1-0 for Arsenal. Although Arsenal won 1-0, lost, because you bet on Arsenal to win your bet @ AH -1 / 2 from 20 minutes to play until the end of the game.


The typical attitude of most gamblers hope until the last minute, and pray that their team can hang them in the lurch.

Arecrucial, and cut your losses when you realize the game is not flowing the way you expect. This provision Save big losses in the end.


Betting In Live, you must evaluate each situation on its own strength. Do not allow emotion to affect your decision. This is only logic to force to fly out the window along with your money.

See Also : Football Tactics

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Tips for Getting the most out of your experience, Soccer Camp

Soccer camps are a great way to exercise your ability to improve, and the memories with friends. However, not all soccer camps are created equal, regardless of what the newspapers said.

The soccer camp you have to choose what you want from the experience. Someone who wants only way for one weeks and a bit of football games would not like to experience living in a camp that focuses on intensive training. Before you sign away your time and money, ask yourself a fewQuestions about what you expect from a football camp.

Would you lazy with your friends, or form?

If you want better shape for football or other sports get, look for camps that focus on physical training and conditioning. Make sure you have a physical to verify that you are in good shape for the camp.

However, if you just want some fun and memories with your friends to have a cheaper stock that is not so intense.

Haveyou want your skills, improve or you want more?

More and better skills as something that you go to any football camp will sound, but perfect is something that time, dedication, patience and corrections can learn. Looking for a camp with many buses which will take place at the right time for your problems.

On the other hand, if you want to improve your tactical sense, if and when they happen to shoot and move where it is a good ideaSee more in camps or soccer boarding schools. The tactic is not something that can easily be taught, and they will learn much time and errors.

Are you looking for more than football training?

If you like to see a little more of it than football training camp, then what they offer. Some soccer camps combine a cultural experience abroad with football training and some even offer the opportunity to try out for exceptional playersProfessional teams. Do a little research into the camps to find what you are getting from them.

Find the right camp for you

Note that all intensive soccer camps should be four aspects of skill development: strength and conditioning, technical precision, tactical development and sport psychology coaching. With a little time to examine the other aspects of the camp, you will find only one you need to make your experience fun, useful and makeunforgettable.

Recommend : Football Tactics Wonderkids Football Database Soccer Strategies

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

World Cup Soccer Results and evaluation

Italy were crowned World Cup winner in 2006, Germany was awarded the hosting of the tournament and played some great football on the way to the semi finals. But was that the level of the major football? "I'm not sure the Italians were strongly emphasized in the defense, but not a brilliant team, when they fought to beat nine men, United States and Australia were lucky to save with a final penalty.

When we refer to some of the 2006 World Cup team, we can see, do not look much. Provision


Excellent defense and Buffon the best goalkeeper in the world, while noting in his major of Zidane in extra time to save. Nothing more attacking formation than normal, but no real success with Strike Force Toni emulating the Series A vote for the strike.

As with most good teams, they managed to grind and some results are very difficult to beat. Many of their top players are now reaching their peak, interesting to see how they perform in Euro2006e

FRANCE Runners-up

The veterans of France surprised many by reaching the final. Inspired by Zidane, the French abolished holders Brazil and Portugal also defeated in the semifinals.

The French were the last for a long time they dominated the game, but the crazy pitch with Zidane transmission cost them time as Zidane, Vieira and Henry are all available for the penalty kicks, the French had to settle for runners up.


The Germans went to the World Cup as an outsider in spite of the country of origin due to a run of terrible consequences. The manager Klinsmann was under pressure, but the Germans performed well and was only denied a last moment, when the Italians scored two late goals in extra time in the semi finals.

The Germans, as the young player of the tournament and the top scorer prize Klosse they took.


Portugal hadserious contenders in the last few tournaments under the guidance of the great Phil Scolari. Impressive victories over England and the Netherlands were not adjusted when they performed poorly and were eliminated by France in the semi finals.

Players like Figo, Deco and Pauletta to have played their last World Cup, but they have some young players like Ronaldo in the making.

BRAZIL quarter-finals

The owners played some great football in the early stages, despite not looking Ronaldogame approach. Ronaldinho has a few nice tricks, but was quiet in a lot of games due to tight marking.

A very lacklusture ads against France in the Brazilains home and for players like Carlos, Ronaldo, Emerson, Cafu, Junior and it's probably the end of their World Cup dreams.

ENGLAND quarter finals

With so many good players no doubt, is England place. They were terrible in the group stage against the big guns such as Paraguay and Trinidadand Tobago!

Your manager does not have enough strikers Rooney and Owen is clearly not fit and was wounded in no real strength in depth to the team. The long ball tactic too often and were once used to beat England on penalties in the quarterfinal stage.

ARGENTINA quarter-finals

The South Americans played some great things in the early stages and had many excellent players. Yet they were eliminated by the host of the sanctions as an early formnot in the final stage of the tournament again.

A proposed narrow victory against Mexico, they were not invincible and the Germans more than they agreed to a blunt quarterfinal. In young emerging players like Messi is no doubt that Argentina again at the next World Cup.

Tags : Wonderkids Football Database Football Tactics Soccer Strategies

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Khalil Popal sought new McDoanlds World Cup 2010 South Africa Apple TV Add

Soccer Skills and Tactics drills add two players for South Africa McDonald's. Chinese Food McDonald's Burger King Taco Bell Subway Sandwich KFC Nando's Oporto Sonic Burger In & Out Country Style Biscuit World .. the New World in 2010 World Cup TV spot for all these fast food companies around the world to help the FIFA World Cup South Africa. ... Ronaldinho (Barcelona), Cristiano Ronaldo (Manchester (Inter Milan) Ronaldo (AC Milan), Michael Ballack David Beckham (Real Madrid / Los Angeles Galaxy), Kaka...

Visit : Wonderkids Football Database Football Tactics

Monday, January 11, 2010

Skills: fast circles with the ball

www.coachvideos.blogspot.comPresent All sports videos in all sports (football, basketball, handball, volleyball, sports videos, coaching, fitness, training, coaching videos, online videos, sports books, massage, sports, music, tips, tactics , technology, learning, education, drills, skills, DVD player, individually, in teams) ... Football Basketball Volleyball Handball Sport fitness coach coaching videos music videos online pounds Massage Tips Tactics Techniques learn skills drills dvd ...

Related : Soccer Strategies