"I feel absolutely terrible, because my ex completely ignores me, and I have no one to blame himself. I'm sure if I was in the same position as him I would do the same."
This is one of the letters I received over the years. It can happen to anyone, and I will tell you exactly how it was told.
"We had a stupid fight. I feel so bad that something so small made me react in such immature and irrational way. What would I have thought themselvessomething stupid like this?
It began on Saturday afternoon. He watched football and I wanted to see a movie. Is it wrong of me? I do so every weekend, watch some stupid football game bored.
While he was busy, I tinker around the house, cleaning and doing things that I hate, but not for me to mention they never do. I have deliberately and selfishly on the vacuum because it even harder for him to listen to the TV. NoProblem for him, he just volume. What irritated me that I will never know. What should he do? What would I have done my favorite show, he suddenly found himself and turned on his Playstation, so I hardly hear the TV? The truth is, if his reaction annoys me.
I decided enough was enough, and I put the vacuum. Stopped cleaning the house, jumped in the shower and was changed into a pair of tight jeans, tight T-shirt (nobra) and his favorite little waist coat. I knew that this particular outfit made him want to rip me, and I had hoped that this would be the case. I accidentally walked out of the bedroom to the kitchen and got myself a Coke Zero and went into the fullback chair, knowing that my presence would distract him and outfit.
"Where you going?" He says. Now, internally, I lost. I saw him in half, and found that the footy is more important than me in thisMoment.
"Out", I said and stood up, gathering my bag when I went to the door.
He did not even try and call me back. Well, what can I do, where should I go?
I drove a few minutes and then called my friend and casually asked what she did. She said she went to a barbecue at the center a few friends and I was welcome to one days.
Very much I would show him that I did not sit every Saturday to wait some time to finish before my boring footballThe weekend began.
My girlfriend and I go to the barbecue and it was very festive. At least 30 people and were more satisfied all the time. I was there, the hostess was very friendly and said simply: "Enjoy a piece is introduced to everyone."
"Why not?" I've always thought of pain.
Two young girls walk into a party, a very sexy one (my friend is really nice) and the other sends me, "for me, now or never hit" signals, it was not longbefore we were surrounded by a group of boys all like to find us a drink and brought some "two beautiful girls as we go to a party like this?" The old pick-up lines I had heard a thousand times, same old lines I think to say absolutely hated - Guys really nothing rational about? But I must confess that I was willing to work on these lines myself, to a point-to-night. , I just had to know I had in me.
Eventually there my phone rang and it was so I let hima message and then it turned out - maybe he could find and see another game!
In the afternoon walked into the night and the schnapps began address - not for me as I am not a big drinker, and always watch my consumption, but for all boys and many of the other girls.
Soon I lost interest in their drunken breath and stupid comments.
When one man approached me. He did not drink much, was well dressed and very sexy in a fun way. And he had noLow-cost airlines. He asked if I had just eaten, I do not respond, because I was not a big meat eater. The conversation was easy and he was thoughtful. That was refreshing! I was in his company felt comfortable and safe.
Before I knew that we had talked at least one hours. It was just five minutes to feel.
My friend had to leave at the moment, but I was not too worried if I had my own car.
Then he says: "Hungry yet?" and before I know, I went to a dinner withhim.
We hop into his car and he proves that he has listened and introduced me to my favorite restaurant. La Bocca Italian one outlet where I am well known.
Big Mistake - after all goes back to my friend - or my ex soon!
Unlike a very pleasant evening, nothing happens to this guy. He has never even tried to kiss me. He asked if he could see me, and I said probably not a good idea, but he gave me his number anyway.
HeDrop me back to my car around nine or nine thirty and I found the clock home, where I am very angry boyfriend head. He is approximately correct, care about me, why I have returned my calls, where I was and so on and so on.
Most of what I said to him, the truth was - I had a barbecue with a friend. I did not tell him about the man, and of course eating.
He would not let go and of course I turned to him to defend myself and grabbed his preferencefor football, men's selfish attitude, the fact that nothing around the house and a few other things I might not say.
, I was just a very pleasant evening with a very nice guy who is an absolute gentleman and that was how my night ended.
I said I was not in the mood for argument for a pleasant evening and went to bed, he could do what he wanted.
I do not know where he is, but he went back very late in about threein the morning and smelled of alcohol. His snoring kept me awake and I ended up in the room.
The next morning I got up and as much noise as possible, because I was still in pain and knew that his suffering made of a hangover.
I sent him a note and went to my mother for lunch.
No calls, no messages - nothing all day.
When I came home, he was gone! He has not come back, and it was one weeks ago.
I called and left messages, e-mail toWork and asked his best friend to call him. Nothing that he ignores me easily.
I know he has returned to the apartment, because his personal belongings packed and moved.
What can I do? My ex is completely ignoring me? "
After reading this story, you're probably wondering what happened.
That was an extreme case, that cost a lot of work before they had a happy and mutually beneficial end. Both learned from their experiences and their relationship is much stronger andbetter.
No matter what your situation is desperate, there is a solution - even if you only try one and your ex will be ignored.
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